Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Diary Entry - Day 34

TJ had his post mortem done today. The vet suspects that his head injuries were older than we originally thought, as they were very infected and it seems he died of severe septicaemia. His skin and skull are being preserved for educational purposes.


  1. Hello Olivia,

    Sad news about TJ, but twelve years of age must be a good age for a Leopard.

    You appear to be having a marvellous time, so I shall forgive you for not posting a daily blog!

    However, we need more photos of a sunny Africa and the animals to take our minds off a UK which is cold, damp and, in many parts today, snowy.


  2. Yes it was a good age, and he had a pretty good life here.

    I know my 'daily post' idea went down the drain very quickly! I will try and put up lots more photos
