Sunday, 17 February 2013

First Photos

I've decided to write two kinds of posts- a diary entry logging what I see and do each day, and extra posts with information about Okonjia and the animals.

This post has information in it which will make the diary entry today clearer.

The land at Okonjima is split into two sections; a big 20,000ha park, and a 2,000ha area where all the accomodation is- this smaller area has no big predators in it, so is much safer to walk around.
However, at the moment I'm staying in an offshoot of the Villa, a big suite that is in the main park.

Most of the carnivores have radio collars, which is how we are able to find them.

Over the next week or two, I will do posts on the different carnivores, their family trees and providence, as well as detailing the game that is seen regularly around the park.

Meanwhile, here are some photos of Dizzy, the dogs and MJ from yesterday:


Three of the wild dogs


1 comment:

  1. Hello Olivia,

    Its good to see that you have arrived safely at Okonjima.

    I'm looking forward to reading your daily blogs and getting to know the various animals.

    Lots of photos please.

